Truly beautiful pieces! I love seeing sunrises and sunsets like this, they always wash a quiet wave of calm over everything. Perfect use of pastel colors, you captured these so well!
Truly beautiful pieces! I love seeing sunrises and sunsets like this, they always wash a quiet wave of calm over everything. Perfect use of pastel colors, you captured these so well!
“Blue Sheep, speeds by…”
Now you’ve definitely got my interest! Always love seeing you draw symbiotes. Love the inclusion of the veins!
This makes me feel a wide variety of indescribable emotions. I cannot overstate how much I love this.
Probably something to do with combining your 2 favourite waifus
Very nice, that’s some dynamic lighting!
Thanks! I was really trying to establish a harsh mood.
This feels like it should be the cover art of one of those old-school D&D books. Absolutely fantastic artwork!
It’s lots of fun to see your OCs in this style! You’ve struck a great balance between the cutesy and simple style of chibis, and your usual detail-heavy style. They compliment each other without clashing. Impressive work, I really like it!
I’d say “fixed” lol
Great art as usual, I’d almost say better than HGS deserves. But I’ll take whatever art of yours I can get. Keep it up, bro!
I actually got the idea when I was talking to a friend. She thought I could do it, so I did. 😁
Oh man, I absolutely love KHAOS. I’m all for it!
One of my favorite kinds of characters are infinitely powerful beings who observe and involve themselves with the matters of mortals. I think Amazo from the Justice League Animated series is my favorite example, where an Android achieves omnipotence and is almost amused by humanity’s behavior and petty squabbles.
Something I like in particular about her new design is the difference in her expressions. The original looks a little too malicious, like she’s reveling in her infinite power. She looks a little too human, if that makes sense. Her new expression is much better to me, she has this cold, distant, and almost inhuman expression. The fact that she’s looking down helps sell this air of superiority radiating from her. Like with the Queen of the Night, I love the idea of her being so powerful that she forgoes armor and clothes of any kind. It heightens her sense of self-assuredness and inhumanity. The shadow effects are great, and in general I love her new design. I had a similar experience on my artistic journey(though as a skinny Jewish white guy) where I realized diversifying my characters would greatly expand my artistic horizons. It’s a lot of fun to do, and it’s neat to see another artist talking about a similar experience! I’m all over your new design for KHAOS, and I love reading your thoughts behind it.
It’s been so much fun seeing all these characters of yours, how you changed them and why. You’re a fantastic character designer and artist, I always love seeing your art! Getting so many of them made this October an absolute joy. I loved them all, but my personal favorites were Lycaon, the Hydra, Cerberus, and the ‘Kisser’ Zombie. My absolute favorites are the Dark Knight and now KHAOS. It’s a close tie, but I love both designs very much, although for different reasons.
No matter how much I say it, I can’t say enough how much I love your art. Thank you so much for this Monstober event! It’s always a joy to see your work and get to learn more about your stories and characters.
Happy Halloween, my dude!
I really like the concept of her being so powerful that she forgoes armor altogether. It makes more sense than other scantily-clad warrior women who dress like that just for the sake of it. It also makes her more intimidating in a weird way, you get the sense that she’s so self-assured that she can’t even be touched. Great character design, I’m interested to see more of her and learn more about her!
it’s like heart and artist do you get it
Age 24, Male
me make art
student of the universe
new ground dot com
Joined on 4/5/17