You captured both artstyles perfectly! I think that both have their appeal, but I must admit that I'm biased and like DCSHG's Supergirl a bit more.
You captured both artstyles perfectly! I think that both have their appeal, but I must admit that I'm biased and like DCSHG's Supergirl a bit more.
Color me surprised, didn't expected you to like either one of these shows
Braniac 5 and Emil feel surprisingly fitting for each other. Great work!
This is a mashup I'd never considered, but now that I see it here I want more of it! LoS was a show I loved when I was younger, and I'm a big fan of Nier Automata now. You've fused the two together without losing what makes either great. Absolutely amazing work, I look forward to seeing more!
Thank you very much! I honestly don't know what triggered the fusion other than me playing Nier while also doing a rewatch of the Legion cartoon.
I remember reading the comic Cleopatra in Space and loving it! Is the show good?
Great art btw, as usual!
I feel like a toy of this design would be roughly the same size and weight of a car battery. Something you could break a window with, y'know?
I see you've uploaded and I'm reminded why you're one of my favorite artists. You've got such a fun, exaggerated style that never feels too overdone! It's like 90s Nicktoons(especially Ren & Stimpy), but refined and improved. A less refined version wouldn't have had such beautiful metal textures! Great job on his skin, it looks amazing!
I always love seeing your work, dude. Stay awesome and keep it up!
GOSH this is how you make me cry haha!! thank you so much!! <3
That second variant has me rolling! Strider is as Chad as they get.
God, I miss the first three seasons of Family Guy. You've captured its energy so perfectly!
Are these interconnected in some way, or am I just reading too deeply and you just enjoy drawing cyclopian elder gods?
They're connected in the sense that they've got the same design philosophy. There's no like storyline though, if that's what you're asking.
Ah, this brings back memories. They're not good ones, but they're memories.
As Pan Pizza always says: "It was truly a terrible time to be alive."
get pwned n00b
I need a MEGAS-XLR style monster-of-the-week series starring these two and their mech. Awesome art!
Oh awesome! It was fun drawing em, so I definitely wanna do more with em.
it’s like heart and artist do you get it
Age 24, Male
me make art
student of the universe
new ground dot com
Joined on 4/5/17