Beautiful bunny girls! They all look wonderful, but Pearl and Hekapoo are for sure my favorites. Big shocker, I’m sure lol
Beautiful bunny girls! They all look wonderful, but Pearl and Hekapoo are for sure my favorites. Big shocker, I’m sure lol
very understandable, glad you liked it
She looks great, my guy! Love how you captured all the little details of her outfit without making it feel cluttered. Jill’s a real cutie!
Thank you, and she most certainly is a cutie!
DOOM himself would approve! I could easily see these being album covers.
I love the atmosphere so much! No words spoken and yet so much conveyed. Incredible work!
Thank you, very cool to hear that! I do try to say more with less in my comics, so it's nice to know it's somewhat getting across.
Happy birthday to you indeed! I hope you have a wonderful one and many more like it. Awesome art as usual!
please don't make me remember kappa mikey. please
Ahh, I love everything about this! The badass design of the ship, the incredible colors and shading, the sheer feeling of speed—all brilliant! It scratches the itch in my brain for starships gunning it through the skies at top speed. Outstanding artwork!
It’s always interesting to see early versions of characters—there’s a lot of fun to be found in seeing what changed and what stayed the same. Going back and revisiting them can be rewarding, too. I can’t count how many times I looked back and made new characters out of old versions of other characters!
I love scouring through old concept art, it's always one of my favorite bonus features on anything. Reading about the creator's thought process, seeing how things change, and why those designs were ultimately scrapped. It's so fascinating getting a look into a person's creative process.
It's all the more interesting when an old concept design gets reused for an entirely different character. One of my favorite little facts along those lines is that in MK Deception, Havik's design originally started as a redesign for Noob Saibot. I love bonus content like that and think it's a shame you don't see it as much anymore.
Cool how much you were able to be inspired from a single line! Jack has a great villain design, and seems like he’d be a really fun and even endearing foe.
Fun and strangely endearing is exactly what I was aiming for! Glad you seem to agree!
Badass! Is this Heartbreaker’s ultimate form?
A twisted version of her first armor, due to her being turned into a vampire.
it’s like heart and artist do you get it
Age 24, Male
me make art
student of the universe
new ground dot com
Joined on 4/5/17