it’s like heart and artist do you get it

Ya Boi @HeartisttheArtist

Age 23, Male

me make art

student of the universe

new ground dot com

Joined on 4/5/17

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700 Follower Spectacular

Posted by HeartisttheArtist - July 7th, 2024

700 followers, you say!


I’m back here again to express my deepest, most sincere gratitudes to you. Reaching 700 followers this year is unbelievable to me, and is thanks to folks like you. The support I continue to receive is invaluable, and I hope that I can both express just how much it means to me, and show my thanks for it. There’s no place like Newgrounds, and there’s no place I would rather be.

Similar to previous milestones like this, I want to make a special celebration piece to show my gratitude. If you’re a follower, leave a request for one character below—OC or otherwise, your call. Submit this character request by July 10th so I can fit them in!

I’m not sure whether I should make another Q&A video—is that something you guys would be interested in seeing? Be sure to let me know and leave a question if you do, I’ll make one if there’s enough demand.

Hope that all has been good for you, folks! Be talking to you again soon!





So, you are open for requests?

Thank you!
I am indeed, request a character by the 10th of July and they’ll show up in the celebration piece.

Gotta give some promotion to underrated NG people. Okay, how about Alfie from @X-RL7?

Ooh, an obscure one to be sure! I’ll have to look into this one.

Supergirl from My Adventures with Superman.

You got it, boss!

Ooh, very nice! I look forward to drawing her!

Can you do my OC, Tanya K. Jackson, the Co-CEO of the GamingTony90 National Group?

I’d be happy to, but you need to be a follower to submit a character for this piece.

Congrats on 700, very well deserved! Just like last time, I'm gonna d̶e̶m̶a̶n̶d̶ politely ask that you draw an OC of mine. How about Carrie Kraine? I think you'd do a killer job with her.

I know you're already familiar, but here's some references for convenience's sake:

Thanks so much, bro! And I’d be happy to draw Carrie, if you would quit holding that gun to my head for a minute.

Oh yeah!!! Congratulations my friend! I'm so happy for you :D
So for this celebration I want to tickle you with the theme that made me discover your amazing gallery... MECHA! I'd love to see one of the big robots from Go Nagai in your style ^^ Mazinger, Jeeg, Grendizer, Getter... I'll let you decide which to draw, I'm pretty sure it will turn out amazing :D

P.S. As I know you, don't you dare put them ALL in the pic, one is more than enough! XD

Thanks so much, man, I wouldn’t be here without you!
Ooh, great suggestions! I have only the barest knowledge of them(literally all I know is that they’re giant robots, lol), so I’m looking forward to learning about and drawing them!

Not here to request anything, but I wanted to congratulate you on reaching another well deserved milestone. Here's to 700 followers and beyond!

Aw, thanks, man! I really appreciate that, especially from you! You can still request a character if you want to, but I’m truly flattered your kindness.

@HeartisttheArtist well, I have just the perfect character, you may know who.

@HeartisttheArtist Well, all right. You changed my mind. Since I asked for Godzilla last time, this time I'm gonna request King Kong. Any version will do.

Ask and ye shall receive! Monkey Moment inbound.

@HeartisttheArtist Followed.

Thanks, bud! Tanya’s on the list!

@HeartisttheArtist I thought I read somewhere that having a gun held to your temple improves morale and motivation, but my arm IS getting tired...
Thanks for taking my request, my man.

Anytime, bro, happy to do it for ya!