How's it going, everyone?
As you might have gathered from the title, I just recently hit 451 followers here on Newgrounds.
To be honest, I was hoping to hit 400 followers by April of this year. My expectations have been completely blown out of the water! I am truly honored to have so many followers, it means more to me than I can adequately express in words on the internet.
That being said, I'm certainly going to show my appreciation.
I'd like to draw something to personally thank you all, not just a drawing that's special to me specifically like I have before.
I want to hear and see what you would like me to make for a celebration piece. Maybe you could submit OCs you'd like me to draw? A character, mine or otherwise? You can send suggestions to me on twitter as well, maybe I should set up a poll there.
Be sure to let me know, I want to hear from you all! 451 isn't too far from 500, and every step of my journey here on Newgrounds has been truly incredible. I really can't thank you all enough.
Talk to you all again soon!
Congrats on 450! Can't think of any specific requests for the big celebration piece right now, but I'll get back to you if I come up with something.