it’s like heart and artist do you get it

Ya Boi @HeartisttheArtist

Age 23, Male

me make art

student of the universe

new ground dot com

Joined on 4/5/17

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Nia from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 please. I beg of you, draw the cat girl.

What kind of stuff do you like drawing the most? Landscapes, character sheets, pin ups, machinery, etc?

One cat girl, coming up!

Congrats on 600 fans, you deserve every one of them (and the many more to come, I'm certain)! This is a very bold pair of projects, but I am definitely here for it and wish you the best of luck on them both.

Now, I could suggest you draw one of my OCs, as I always enjoy seeing how you interpret them in your style, but... yeah, I'm gonna do exactly that. You would really make my day if you could draw Jennifer Halton. You've done a great job drawing the ninjas, but I bet you'd absolutely kill it with her.

As for questions, what I'd like to know is: who is your favorite villain that you've created for Ronin's rogues gallery? Feel free to pick more than one if you can't decide.

Thanks so much, man! I'm very excited for these projects, and I'm looking forward to sharing them. I'm also very excited to finally draw Jen! I really appreciate your encouragement!

Before I've asked for 2 male characters so this time I'll ask for a girl so... How about Jam Kuradoberi from the Guilty Gear series? :D
As for the question... What REALLY made you think "I want to draw! I want to make art and make people happy with it!"?

Congrats to another great milestone my friend, I'm proud of you, keep being amazing as you are!

Guilty Gear, you got it!
Man, I really can't thank you enough for all the support you've given me on this journey. You're a huge source of inspiration and happiness for me, and I hope to continue making art you enjoy!

Congratulations on hitting another milestone so soon! That's awesome! Now, I'm gonna throw in some variety for you and request a non-human character. I'd like to see you draw Godzilla. Any incarnation is fine, but his 1984, 2000, and 2004 designs are some of my favorites.

Hope you have fun and all goes well. Take care!

Thanks so much, my guy! It's cool that you suggest that, cause it was pretty recently that someone else suggested I try my hand at drawing inhuman monsters and/or aliens. I'll give it my best, and hope you enjoy it!

Loona from Helluva Boss.

As for my question, what do you think is the hardest to draw?

I'll give drawing her my best shot!

Congrats man, you've been working so hard and I can't wait to see how far you'll go from here.

As for a character? PartyCup asked if you could draw Spider(s)-Man LOL

Thanks, man, I hope that the work all pays off!
I'm happy to draw a Spider-Man, any questions you'd like to ask?

draw kaede from manyuu hikenchou but with big curves and boobs (here I leave a link of how the character looks like) https://manyuuhikenchou.fandom.com/wiki/Kaede By the way, what country are you from?

I've never heard of this character, but looking into it, it seems like one of her most defining traits is not having a huge bust, lol. I'll draw her with one all the same!

@HeartisttheArtist Exactly that's why I asked for it with big boobas and curves